Тема cyber bullying часто поднимается в ОГЭ/ ЕГЭ заданиях (письмо другу, беседа с электронным секретарем, выявление/решение проблемы в эссе). Вот некоторые пути решения проблемы: ✏ NEVER REPLY to messages sent by a bully, even in anger. Replying will often make the bullying worse, while ignoring it will give the bully the impression that you didn't receive a message or simply wasn't bothered. Bullies want a reaction, that's why they do it. ✏ Save any messages, texts or online comments along with the time and date you received them, any details you have about the sender. Screen shots also mean that the evidence is visible. This information will be very useful when REPORTING the bullying. ✏ It’s possible to remove tags and block people who are sending nasty messages. Setting profiles to 'FRIENDS ONLY' means you can't be bullied by people you don't know. ✏ On social networks you can report bullying messages while remaining anonymous. If it is a fellow school pupil doing the bullying, report it to your teacher so the school can deal with the protagonist and stop it happening to someone else. You can also report instances of cyber-bullying to mobile phone companies and internet service providers who can trace bullies. Report serious bullying, like threats of a physical or sexual nature, to the POLICE. P.S. Возможно, этот постер по теме тоже пригодится) #egexpert_listening,#egexpert_romaenglish